JET Aircraft Maintenance, Inc. is an independent and fully insured leading provider of commercial aircraft line maintenance and ground support. We understand the importance of punctuality, reliability and flight safety. These key components of maintenance are our top priority when providing you with a level of line service that is unprecedented. Our workforce is type-rated and matched to your aircraft and is dedicated to ensuring quick and efficient turnaround times without compromising safety or the operation.
Line Maintenance Services
Line Maintenance Services
EcoPower® Engine Wash
GSE Maintenance
We operate at 7 airports across the country and can send qualified and fully trained A&P technicians to all major airports to meet your maintenance needs.
JET Aircraft Maintenance has the capability to operate on all major airframe and powerplant models.
For a copy of our FAA Operational Specifications please contact our Chief Inspector / Quality Manager, Jeff Penn.
Everyone knows the benefits of regular engine washing. All engines become contaminated during the course of normal operations. Over time, this contamination leads to performance deterioration which can be restored by regular engine wash. This once labor and time intensive process is now made operationally efficient with EcoPower Engine Wash Services. Without impacting our customers' tight schedules, we can perform engine washes anywhere on the tarmac in about an hour. It doesn't matter which engines you fly, we have manifolds to fit almost every engine type. There are real benefits, not just for you, but for the globe. Reduced fuel burn means reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Engine wash provides increased EGT margin and compressor efficiency resulting in reduced fuel burn, a real bottom line savings. Regular washing has proven to increase hardware life, meaning more time on wing between engine overhauls, an additional cost benefit. EcoPower Engine Wash Services provides these advantages and more; it does all this with an environmentally friendly process. No more harsh chemicals or excess effluent to pollute the ground water, and all with no special handling required. The EcoPower closed-loop system cleans using purified, atomized water with no detergents or solvents. All the water is collected during the wash process and re-purified for re-use.
Contact us at 305-869-4402 to schedule your next wash.
| A-318 | A-319 | A-320 | A-321 | A-330 Series | A-340 |
| B-717 | B-727 | B-737 Series | B-737 NG | B-747 Series | B-757 Series | B-767 Series | B-777 Series |
| ATR-42 | ATR-72 |
| CRJ200 | CRJ700 | CRJ705 | CRJ900 |
| DC-9 | DC-10 | MD-80’s | MD-11 |
| ERJ-135 | ERJ-140 | ERJ-145 | ERJ-170 | ERJ-175 | ERJ-190 | ERJ-195|
| PW JT8D-200 Series | PW 2000 Series | PW 4000 Series | PW 4100 Series | V2500 Series | PW JT9D Series | PW JT8D-7 thru 17 Series |
| CF6-50 Series | CF6-80 Series | GE-CF6-80 Series | GE90 Series | CF34 | Genx Series |
| RB211-500 Series | Trent 500 Series | Trent 700 Series | Trent 800 Series | BR 700 Series | AE3007 Series |
| CFM-56 Series |
Air Agency Certificate
European Aviation Safety Agency Certificate